| 1. | Although many looked on him with suspicion, faithful friends closed round him . 虽然有些人对他还有怀疑,几个忠诚的朋友都上来围住了他。 |
| 2. | The coach lumbered on again, with heavier wreaths of mist closing round it as it began the descent . 车子又颠顿地走着,越是往下走,雾环越是浓密地包围着它。 |
| 3. | At their feet its red speck died : and mouldy air closed round them 红色斑点在他们脚跟前熄灭,周围弥漫着发霉的空气。 |
| 4. | She held him closer round the neck , and rocked him on her breast like a child 她更紧地搂住他的脖子,像摇孩子似的在胸前摇着他。 |
| 5. | The fellow was brought , cap in hand , and the other fellows closed round to look and listen , in the manner of the people at the paris fountain 那人被带了上来,他手里拿着帽子。别的人也跟在巴黎泉水边的情况一样,围上来看热闹。 |
| 6. | Their sharp voices cried about him on all sides : their many forms closed round him , the garish sunshine bleaching the honey of his illdyed head 他们的尖嗓门从四面八方朝他喊叫,众多身姿把把团团包围住,刺目的阳光将他那没有染好的蜂蜜色头发晒得发白了。 |
| 7. | Upon this river - brink they lingered till the fog began to close round them - which was very early in the evening at this time of the year - settling on the lashes of her eyes , where it rested like crystals , and on his brows and hair 他们一直在河边走来走去,直到雾霭开始把他们包围起来在一年中这个时候,夜雾起得非常早它们好像一串串水晶,凝结在他们的眼睫毛上,凝结在他们的额头上和头发上。 |